SLINGSHOT Deutschland

Mit einem eigenen nationalen Team von erfolgreichen Ridern im Bereich Contest und Media schätzen wir uns glücklich unseren Teil für den Sport beitragen zu dürfen und euch gleichzeitig zeigen zu können, was mit unserem Equipment alles möglich ist. Dabei beinhaltet unser Team sowohl eine Hand voll Highlights der deutschen Kiteszene, die ein oder andere Ikone des Kitesports, die es geschafft hat das Kitesurfen um oder in ihrem Beruf zu erhalten, sowie natürlich aufstrebende Young Guns, deren größte Tage erst noch bevorstehen. Aber schaut selbst!

Rider | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle|Freeride
International Rider | Wave
Young Gun | Big Air | Freestyle
International Ride | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle|Wave|Foil
Rider | Big Air | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle | Bigair
Young Gun | Big Air | Freestyle
Rider | Wave|Freestyle
International Rider | Wave
Rider | Freestyle|Wave
Rider | Freestyle|Big Air|Foil
Rider | Freestyle

Ripping turns on flat water never felt so good!

#slingshotkite #slingshotfoil

🎥 @andrephillip

37 3

@fabian.kite jumps to the NXT level 🚀
#codenxt #bigairkite #kiteboarding #slingshotkite

113 3

The engine that drives the new
Sling Wing NXT is our new lightweight Aluula Air Frame which can be adjusted in stiffness through leading edge air pressure. 8 PSI produces a soft suspension-like ride, which takes the edge off in strong or gusty winds. Pump it to 11 PSI, and the wing feels like a sports car with performance shocks and tires to produce a sharp and precise feel. Strut pressure is always 10 PSI, and it produces our best new high-tension, hi-performance canopy design to date. Advancements in new materials, leading-edge design, and our high-tension canopy profile make the Sling Wing NXT more balanced and easier to fly with super soft hand pressure. This wing excels across all performance metrics no matter how or where you choose to use it. Exclusive to Slingshot, it features the new SlingGrip EVA with a Click Connect handle system. The elevated pistol grip front handle delivers greater control when luffing or switching hands. These handles come on and off with a click, which makes packing for travel more compact. Soft or carbon handles can be purchased separately.

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil

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Introducing the Slingshot NXT program, a culmination of unrestricted creativity and advanced technology, shaping the future of performance gear. The NXT program stands as a testament to Slingshot’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of performance and design. Developed in collaboration with our world-class designers and riders, the NXT range is the result of an innovative approach that focuses on creating products without limitations. The program’s goal is simple, yet ambitious, craft the next generation of performance that will redefine the industry standards and make a difference in your riding, what will you do next..

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil

60 2

NXT level performance drops

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil

61 3