SLINGSHOT Deutschland

Mit einem eigenen nationalen Team von erfolgreichen Ridern im Bereich Contest und Media schätzen wir uns glücklich unseren Teil für den Sport beitragen zu dürfen und euch gleichzeitig zeigen zu können, was mit unserem Equipment alles möglich ist. Dabei beinhaltet unser Team sowohl eine Hand voll Highlights der deutschen Kiteszene, die ein oder andere Ikone des Kitesports, die es geschafft hat das Kitesurfen um oder in ihrem Beruf zu erhalten, sowie natürlich aufstrebende Young Guns, deren größte Tage erst noch bevorstehen. Aber schaut selbst!

Rider | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle|Freeride
International Rider | Wave
Young Gun | Big Air | Freestyle
International Ride | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle|Wave|Foil
Rider | Big Air | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle | Bigair
Young Gun | Big Air | Freestyle
Rider | Wave|Freestyle
International Rider | Wave
Rider | Freestyle|Wave
Rider | Freestyle|Big Air|Foil
Rider | Freestyle

Das Misfit V12 ist das zweithärteste Board in unserer Produktreihe nach dem Era V1 und teilt einige der gleichen Designmerkmale, wie beispielsweise den X-Core Nucleus. Diese multidirektionale Schichtung versteift das Mittelteil, während die Tips flexibel bleiben, was dem Fahrer eine berechenbarere Fahrt und ultimative Performance bietet. @kimo_verkerk

#slingshotkite #kiteboarding

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@zacadamskite carvt mit dem Lazer Craft und einem Prototyp des One-Lock Foils ins Wochenende!

#sup #downwind #downwindsup


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The Laser Craft will have you foiling when others are slogging, designed for light-wind winging and SUP foiling. the Laser Craft features Max Trax for a quick an easy foil setup, full length deck pad and scrape strip. The Lazer Craft’s superior drag elimination allows the earliest possible take-off; utilizing a step release tail combined with our innovative Blended Lunar hull ensures lightning-fast release from the water, even in the lightest of winds.

#slingshotfoil #slingshotwing #supfoil

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Introducing the Flow Craft V1, a new standard in Wingfoil boards with a cutting-edge shape and lightweight layup. The Flow Craft V1 was designed with performance as our main objective, utilizing Carbon Forged construction in a Compressed Curve Outline. The Carbon Forged Construction brings a premium lightweight feel, and the Compressed Curve Outline provides an insane level of response, allowing the board to make tight turns in small pockets while retaining effortless water starts and easy touchdowns.
In addition, our new Shed Deck adds a concave shape to the deck, which brings your feet closer to the foil, providing complete control over your ride and maximizing your FLOW.

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil

🎥 @samlight1 @lance_koudele_photo

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At Slingshot, we believe foiling is more than a sport. It’s a way to feel deeply connected to nature’s forces. The wing is simply a towing device guiding you into the optimal position. Once there, you enter the Flow State. In this state, everything clicks.
Your connection to the foil becomes effortless, and the harmony between rider and foil becomes fluid and seamless. The more you push, the more the foil responds, creating an unmatched connection between you, the foil, and the water.

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil #flowstate

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