SLINGSHOT Deutschland

Mit einem eigenen nationalen Team von erfolgreichen Ridern im Bereich Contest und Media schätzen wir uns glücklich unseren Teil für den Sport beitragen zu dürfen und euch gleichzeitig zeigen zu können, was mit unserem Equipment alles möglich ist. Dabei beinhaltet unser Team sowohl eine Hand voll Highlights der deutschen Kiteszene, die ein oder andere Ikone des Kitesports, die es geschafft hat das Kitesurfen um oder in ihrem Beruf zu erhalten, sowie natürlich aufstrebende Young Guns, deren größte Tage erst noch bevorstehen. Aber schaut selbst!

Rider | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle|Freeride
International Rider | Wave
Young Gun | Big Air | Freestyle
International Ride | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle|Wave|Foil
Rider | Big Air | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle
Rider | Freestyle | Bigair
Young Gun | Big Air | Freestyle
Rider | Wave|Freestyle
International Rider | Wave
Rider | Freestyle|Wave
Rider | Freestyle|Big Air|Foil
Rider | Freestyle

The Wing Craft V3 is for the rider looking to enter the Glide Zone who is looking to unlock carving, flagging out on swell, and pumping from wave to wave...

Gets you up to speed and flying as early as possible.

Providing a wider outline with a volume forward concept intended for added stability rail to rail.

Combining a T stringer, bamboo sandwich and new track layup, the Wing Craft V3 is noticeably lighter creating less swing weight.

Strap up The Wing Craft V3 for your personal riding style.

Featured on our 70L and 80L, the out the back foil tracks allow for quick foil connect and disconnect.

Soft on the feet and knees with incredible grip.

This extra strip of EVA helps prevent scratches and cracks on the nose of your board while setting up your foil while the board is upside down.

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil #wingfoil #wingfoiling

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@fredhopefoil finding some shade from the bright Fijian sunshine on the new Slingwing V5, Wingcraft V3 snd PTM899

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil #wingfoiling #fiji #glidezone

🎥 @samlight1 @namotuisland

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The Slingwing V5 is the ultimate wing for riders looking to take their skills to the next level.
The V5 has increased control and effortless tacking, with a compact wingspan for on the water transitions or entering the Glide Zone.

Taking what we learned about high tension wings from developing the Slingwing NXT, we were able to increase the balance, power, stability, and ease of use of the wing V5 in comparison to the Sling Wing V4.

The Slinggrip Uni Handle is our new favorite way to hold the wing. Instead of two individual handles, the uni handle is one long handle that spans the entire wing. This means the rider can slide their hand back for more power, ride one handed, have more control and ease of use, and avoid the constant search for their handles when coming out of a tack or jibe.

The Code 95 material is the strongest material we have put in a wing. It was strategically placed along the trailing edge to help prevent canopy blow out and help balance the Slingwing. V5. You will notice a more direct response in power and a wing that free flies effortlessly when gliding down as well. In the event your foil hits this material or the wing gets caught in the surf, the chances of a catastrophic failure are much lower.

The true tension airframe delivers our new revolutionary high tension canopy, medium span wing design, a strategically calculated taper from the center of the leading edge wing to the wing tips. This revolutionary design enhances all elements of our flagship wing refinements and new materials, leading edge shape and our high tension canopy profile make the Sling Wing V5 more balanced and easier to fly. This wing excels across all performance metrics, no matter how or where you use it.

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil #wingfoil #glidezone

@samlight1 @stugibson @beau_blake_

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Progression in the Glide Zone relies on a rider’s ability to optimize and manage their glide effectively. This focus on control became our top priority during the development of the Glide Zone category range. Each product underwent thorough auditing and re-engineering to ensure riders gain maximum control for optimum glide. With this enhanced control, riders can intuitively and instantly adjust their power and speed, achieving the ideal position for improved glide times and speeds...

#slingshotwing #slingshotfoil #wingfoil

@samlight1 @stugibson

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